2022-09-03 16:30:00 +02:00

83 lines
2.2 KiB

<script setup lang="ts">
import ProgressSpinner from 'primevue/progressspinner';
import InputText from 'primevue/inputtext';
import Button from 'primevue/button';
import { useToast } from 'primevue/usetoast';
const toast = useToast();
const getPlaylistId = useGetPlaylistId();
const { copy } = useClipboard();
const { isSupported, clipboardWirtePermission, canCopyToClipboard } =
const playlistUrl = ref('');
const idToShow = ref('');
const actionButtonLabel = computed(() =>
canCopyToClipboard.value ? 'Copy ID' : 'Show ID'
const copyOrShowPlaylistId = async () => {
idToShow.value = '';
const playlistId = getPlaylistId(playlistUrl.value);
if (!canCopyToClipboard.value) return (idToShow.value = playlistId);
await copy(playlistId);
playlistUrl.value = '';
severity: 'success',
summary: 'Success',
detail: 'Playlist ID has been copied to clipboard',
life: 5000
<NuxtLayout name="centered-content">
<div class="mx-4">
<h1 id="get-playlist-id-headline" class="m-0">
Get playlist's ID from URL
<template #fallback>
<ProgressSpinner />
<p v-if="!canCopyToClipboard">
You could have the button below copy the ID upon clicking, but
<span v-if="!isSupported">
your browser doesn't support functionality required to do so.
<span v-else-if="clipboardWirtePermission !== 'granted'">
you need to grant this website permission to copy text to clipboard.
class="w-full my-3"
placeholder="Paste a playlist URL here"
:disabled="playlistUrl.length === 0"
<p v-if="!canCopyToClipboard && idToShow">
This playlist's ID is: <strong>{{ idToShow }}</strong>
<style scoped>
#get-playlist-id-headline {
font-size: 2.25rem;