Create an individual snapshot preview page

This commit is contained in:
Maciej Pędzich 2022-07-05 13:42:09 +02:00
parent 56e4828e80
commit f2ad4f13ba
2 changed files with 133 additions and 1 deletions

View File

@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ const {
const snapshotLinkMap = computed<Record<string, string>>(() =>
(calendarEntries.value || []).reduce((map, entry) => {
const dateCapturedKey = entry.dateCaptured.substring(0, 10);
map[dateCapturedKey] = `./snapshots/${entry.commitSha}`;
map[dateCapturedKey] = `./snapshots/show/${entry.commitSha}`;
return map;
}, {})

View File

@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
<script setup lang="ts">
import { decode as decodeHtmlEntities } from 'html-entities';
import formatDuration from 'format-duration';
import DataTable from 'primevue/datatable';
import Column from 'primevue/column';
import { Playlist } from '~~/models/playlist';
const route = useRoute();
const playlistId = route.params.playlistId as string;
const commitSha = route.params.commitSha as string;
const { error, data: snapshot } = useFetch<Playlist>(
() =>
{ key: `snapshot-${commitSha}`, parseResponse: JSON.parse }
const totalTrackDuration = computed(() =>
(snapshot.value?.tracks || []).reduce(
(total, track) => (total += track.duration_ms),
const numberFormatter = new Intl.NumberFormat('en-US');
const dateFormatter = new Intl.DateTimeFormat('en-US', {
year: 'numeric',
month: 'long',
day: 'numeric'
const humanizeNumber = (num: number) => numberFormatter.format(num);
const formatDate = (date: string) => dateFormatter.format(Date.parse(date));
<p v-if="error">Something went wrong while fetching this snapshot</p>
<template v-else-if="snapshot">
<div class="text-lg text-center flex flex-column align-items-center">
<p class="mt-0 text-gray-300">
{{ decodeHtmlEntities(snapshot.description) }}
<ul id="snapshot-meta" class="m-0 p-0">
{{ humanizeNumber(snapshot.num_followers) }}
{{ snapshot.tracks.length }}
<span class="text-gray-200">
{{ formatDuration(totalTrackDuration) }}
:rows-per-page-options="[10, 20, 50, 100]"
paginator-template="CurrentPageReport FirstPageLink PrevPageLink PageLinks NextPageLink LastPageLink RowsPerPageDropdown"
current-page-report-template="Showing {first} to {last} of {totalRecords}"
<Column field="name" header="Title" sortable>
<template #body="{ data: track }">
<NuxtLink :to="track.url" target="_blank">
{{ }}
<Column field="artists" header="Artist(s)">
<template #body="{ data: track }">
<div v-for="(artist, index) of track.artists" :key="artist.url">
<NuxtLink :to="artist.url" target="_blank">
{{ }}
<span v-if="index !== track.artists.length - 1" class="md:mr-1"
<Column field="" header="Album" sortable>
<template #body="{ data: track }">
<NuxtLink :to="track.album.url" target="_blank">
{{ }}
<Column field="added_at" header="Date added" sortable>
<template #body="{ data: track }">
{{ formatDate(track.added_at) }}
<Column field="duration_ms" header="Duration" sortable>
<template #body="{ data: track }">
{{ formatDuration(track.duration_ms) }}
<style scoped>
#snapshot-meta > li:first-of-type {
list-style: disc;
@media screen and (min-width: 768px) {
#snapshot-meta > li {
float: left;
margin-left: 1.5rem;
#snapshot-meta > li:first-of-type {
margin-left: 0;
list-style: none;
:deep(.p-datatable) {
margin: 2rem 0 3rem 0;