Six Degrees of Formula 1 stores data of drivers and their teammates in a [Memgraph]( database. If two given drivers have competed for the same team in at least one race, there's a link between them.
You can enter the names of two drivers and find out how to get from one to the other using as few connections as possible.
## Deployment with Docker
### Prerequisites
- Docker Engine version 27.0.1 or later
- Docker Compose version 2.29.0 or later
### Environment variables
Place the following variables in a `.env` file in the project's root directory:
You can leave the `DB_URI` variable as-is. If you're deploying this stack for the first time, you probably don't have values for `DB_USERNAME` or `DB_PASSWORD` to fill in for placeholders above. Once you've deployed this stack, see the _Database preparation_ section of this README for further instructions.
Specifying `PUBLIC_NETWORK` is required to put the website behind a reverse proxy, which itself is also containerised and has its own Docker network named `your_docker_network_here` with all the services it forwards requests to.
You may choose to remove the `public` network from the Compose file if you don't have that setup.
Make sure you've installed and set up the Memgraph database first. If you haven't, see the _Database preparation_ section of this README for setup details.
### Environment variables
Place the following variables in a `.env` file inside the project's root directory: