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2023-05-23 08:19:09 +02:00
class="w-screen h-screen text-center d-flex flex-column justify-center align-center"
<h1 class="mb-lg-6 mb-3 text-lg-h1 text-h2">RaceMash</h1>
<p class="mb-lg-9 mb-5 text-lg-h4 text-h5 font-weight-regular">
It's like FaceMash, but with photos of F1 cars
<div id="hero-btns" class="d-flex justify-center flex-wrap mb-12">
<v-btn color="primary" size="large" to="/vote">Play</v-btn>
<v-btn size="large" to="#about">Tell me more</v-btn>
class="w-100 py-10 d-flex flex-column justify-center bg-grey-darken-4"
<h2 class="text-h2 text-center mb-10">About</h2>
<div class="w-50 mx-auto my-0">
<p class="mb-6 text-h5 font-weight-regular">
In RaceMash, you're presented with two randomly picked photographs of F1
cars from the 2022 season. Below them you'll find buttons for placing a
vote for one of the images and an extra one for declaring a draw. Once
you've placed your vote, another pair of images gets picked and the
cycle continues.
<p class="mb-6 text-h5 font-weight-regular">
Every vote you submit gradually fills up a progress bar and if you reach
25%, 50%, or 75%, you'll be awarded a fun fact about Formula One. Once
you've submitted all votes, you unlock a ranking page that reveals the
photos' final ratings, where the images are ordered by said ratings
<p class="mb-6 text-h5 font-weight-regular">
But how are these ratings calculated? Each photograph has a base rating
of 1500 points (as well as a few other parameters you don't need to
worry about) that gets updated using
rel="noopener noreferrer"
>the Glicko-2 system</a
every 12 votes you cast.
2023-05-23 08:19:09 +02:00
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#hero-btns {
gap: 1.25rem;