import { ApplicationFunction } from 'probot'; const appFn: ApplicationFunction = (app) => { app.on( ['pull_request.opened', 'pull_request.synchronize'], async (context) => { const registryDirectoryPath = 'playlists/registry/'; const siQueryStart = '?si='; const pull_number = context.payload.number; const repo = { owner: 'mackorone', repo: 'spotify-playlist-archive' }; const removePathFromFilename = (filename: string) => filename.replace(registryDirectoryPath, ''); const upsertReview = async (body: string, review_id: number) => { if (review_id) { await context.octokit.pulls.updateReview({ ...repo, pull_number, review_id, body }); } else { await context.octokit.pulls.createReview({ ...repo, pull_number, event: 'REQUEST_CHANGES', body }); } }; try { const { data: prFiles } = await context.octokit.pulls.listFiles({ ...repo, pull_number }); const filesToVerify = prFiles.filter( ({ status, filename }) => status === 'added' && filename.startsWith(registryDirectoryPath) ); const filesWithSiQuery = filesToVerify.filter(({ filename }) => filename.includes(siQueryStart) ); const playlistLookupResults = await Promise.all( ({ filename }) => { const filenameWithoutPath = removePathFromFilename(filename); const spotifyResponse = await fetch( `${filenameWithoutPath}` ); return { filename: removePathFromFilename(filename), found: spotifyResponse.status === 200 }; }) ); const notFoundPlaylists = playlistLookupResults.filter( ({ found }) => !found ); const { data: priorReviews } = await context.octokit.pulls.listReviews({ ...repo, pull_number }); const [existingReview] = priorReviews; if (notFoundPlaylists.length > 0) { const renameList = notFoundPlaylists .map(({ filename }) => `- ${filename}`) .join('\n'); const body = `It looks like the following playlists don't exist: ${renameList}`; await upsertReview(body, existingReview?.id); } else { if (filesWithSiQuery.length > 0) { const renameList = filesWithSiQuery .map(({ filename }) => { const filenameWithoutPath = removePathFromFilename(filename); const [targetFilename] = filenameWithoutPath.split(siQueryStart); return `- Rename ${filenameWithoutPath} to **${targetFilename}**`; }) .join('\n'); const body = `In order for me to accept changes, you have to: ${renameList}`; await upsertReview(body, existingReview?.id); } else { if (existingReview) { await context.octokit.pulls.dismissReview({ ...repo, pull_number, review_id:, message: 'Changes can now be accepted!' }); } await context.octokit.pulls.merge({ ...repo, pull_number }); } } } catch (error) { console.error(error); await context.octokit.pulls.createReview({ ...repo, pull_number, event: 'COMMENT', body: 'Something went wrong while performing automatic verification! @mackorone should handle it manually.' }); } } ); }; export = appFn;