import { setTimeout } from 'timers/promises'; import { ApplicationFunction, Probot } from 'probot'; import { throttleAll } from 'promise-throttle-all'; import getMetaData from 'metadata-scraper'; import { getPlaylistIdFromUrl } from './getPlaylistIdFromUrl'; type ReviewEvent = 'REQUEST_CHANGES' | 'COMMENT' | 'APPROVE'; const appFn: ApplicationFunction = (app: Probot, { getRouter }) => { getRouter!('/ping').get('/pong', (_, res) => res.sendStatus(200)); app.on( ['pull_request.opened', 'pull_request.synchronize'], async ({ payload, octokit, log }) => { const registryDirectoryPath = 'playlists/registry/'; const siQueryStart = '?si='; const pull_number = payload.number; const workingRepo = { owner: payload.repository.owner.login, repo: }; const removeRegistryPathFromFilename = (filename: string) => filename.replace(registryDirectoryPath, ''); const upsertReview = async ( review_id: number | undefined, event: ReviewEvent, body: string ) => { if (review_id) { await octokit.pulls.updateReview({ ...workingRepo, pull_number, review_id, body }); } else { await octokit.pulls.createReview({ ...workingRepo, pull_number, event, body }); } }; const repoAllowlist = [ { owner: 'mackorone', repo: 'spotify-playlist-archive' }, { owner: 'maciejpedzich', repo: 'bot-testing-ground' } ]; try { const isAllowlistedRepo = repoAllowlist.find( ({ owner, repo }) => workingRepo.owner === owner && workingRepo.repo === repo ); if (!isAllowlistedRepo) return; type PRFileArray = Awaited< ReturnType >['data']; const prFiles: PRFileArray = []; let page = 1; let isLoadingPages = true; let timeToRateLimitReset = 0; while (isLoadingPages) { await setTimeout(timeToRateLimitReset); const { data, headers } = await octokit.pulls.listFiles({ ...workingRepo, pull_number, page }); prFiles.push(; let now =; timeToRateLimitReset = headers['x-ratelimit-remaining'] !== '0' ? 0 : (Number(headers['x-ratelimit-reset']) || now) - now; if (`rel=\"next\"`)) page++; else isLoadingPages = false; } const filesToVerify = prFiles.filter( ({ status, filename }) => filename.startsWith(registryDirectoryPath) && ['added', 'modified'].includes(status) ); if (filesToVerify.length === 0) return; let numEntriesBeforeCooldown = 3; let numProcessedEntries = 0; let cooldownTimeout = 1500; const playlistSearchResults = await throttleAll( 1,{ filename }) => async () => { const filenameWithoutRegistryPath = removeRegistryPathFromFilename( filename ).replace('https:/', 'https://'); const url = getPlaylistIdFromUrl(filenameWithoutRegistryPath) ? filenameWithoutRegistryPath : `${filenameWithoutRegistryPath}`; if ( numProcessedEntries > 0 && numProcessedEntries % numEntriesBeforeCooldown === 0 ) await setTimeout(cooldownTimeout); const spotifyResponse = await fetch(url); const expectedStatusCodes = [200, 400, 404]; if (!expectedStatusCodes.includes(spotifyResponse.status)) throw new Error( `Received ${spotifyResponse.status} status code from ${url}` ); const found = spotifyResponse.status === 200; let details = ''; if (found) { const html = await spotifyResponse.text(); const { author: authorUrl, description, title } = await getMetaData({ html, customRules: { author: { rules: [ [ 'meta[name="music:creator"]', (e) => e.getAttribute('content') ] ] } } }); // let authorName = (authorUrl as string).endsWith('/user/spotify') // ? 'Spotify' // : ''; // if (authorName === '') { // const playlistAuthorResponse = await fetch(authorUrl as string); // if (!playlistAuthorResponse.ok) // throw new Error( // `Received ${playlistAuthorResponse.status} status code from ${authorUrl}` // ); // const authorPageHtml = await playlistAuthorResponse.text(); // const { title: authorPageTitle } = await getMetaData({ // html: authorPageHtml // }); // authorName = authorPageTitle as string; // } // const playlistMeta = (description || '') // .split(' ยท ') // .filter((text) => text !== 'Playlist') // .concat(authorName as string); // details = playlistMeta.join(' ยท '); details = title!; } numProcessedEntries++; return { filename: filenameWithoutRegistryPath, found, details, url }; }) ); let successText = `๐ŸŽ‰ @${workingRepo.owner} can merge your pull request! ๐ŸŽ‰`; let reviewEvent: ReviewEvent = 'APPROVE'; let identifiedPlaylistsText = ''; const validEntries = playlistSearchResults.filter( ({ found, filename, url }) => found && !filename.includes(siQueryStart) && filename !== url ); if (validEntries.length > 0) { const playlistLinks = validEntries .map(({ url, details }) => `- [${details}](${url})`) .join('\n'); identifiedPlaylistsText = `### โœ… These playlists have been indentified:\n${playlistLinks}`; } let renameRequiredText = ''; const entriesToRename = playlistSearchResults.filter( ({ found, filename }) => found && filename.includes(siQueryStart) && !getPlaylistIdFromUrl(filename) ); if (entriesToRename.length > 0) { const renameList = entriesToRename .map(({ filename }) => { const filenameWithoutRegistryPath = removeRegistryPathFromFilename(filename); const [targetFilename] = filenameWithoutRegistryPath.split(siQueryStart); return `- From \`${filenameWithoutRegistryPath}\` to **${targetFilename}**`; }) .join('\n'); successText = ''; reviewEvent = 'REQUEST_CHANGES'; renameRequiredText = `### โš ๏ธ You have to rename these entries:\n${renameList}`; } let urlEntriesToRenameText = ''; const urlFilenameEntries = playlistSearchResults.filter( ({ filename, url }) => filename === url ); if (urlFilenameEntries.length > 0) { successText = ''; const forkPageUrl = payload.pull_request.head.repo?.html_url; const httpsDirUrl = `${forkPageUrl}/tree/main/playlists/registry/https:`; const baseCreateUrl = `${forkPageUrl}/new/main/playlists/registry/FOO`; const linkList ={ url }) => { const playlistId = getPlaylistIdFromUrl(url); const createFilePageUrl = `${baseCreateUrl}?filename=${playlistId}&value=REMOVE%20THIS%20TEXT%20FIRST`; return `\t- [Create \`${playlistId}\`](${createFilePageUrl})`; }); reviewEvent = 'REQUEST_CHANGES'; urlEntriesToRenameText = `### โš ๏ธ Some entries are malformed playlist URLs\n\nHere's how you can correct them:\n\n1. Go to [the \`https:\` folder](${httpsDirUrl}), click on the three dots on the right-hand side, and choose _Delete directory_\n\n2. Use the links below to create valid entries:\n${linkList}`; } let notFoundText = ''; const notFoundPlaylists = playlistSearchResults.filter( ({ found }) => !found ); if (notFoundPlaylists.length > 0) { const notFoundList = notFoundPlaylists .map(({ filename }) => `- ${filename}`) .join('\n'); successText = ''; reviewEvent = 'REQUEST_CHANGES'; notFoundText = `### โŒ These entries don't point to any existing public playlists:\n${notFoundList}`; } const reviewBody = [ identifiedPlaylistsText, renameRequiredText, urlEntriesToRenameText, notFoundText, successText ] .filter(Boolean) .join('\n\n'); const { data: reviews } = await octokit.pulls.listReviews({ ...workingRepo, pull_number }); const [existingReview] = reviews; await upsertReview(existingReview?.id, reviewEvent, reviewBody); } catch (e) { const error = e as Error; log.error({ stack: error?.stack }, error.message); await upsertReview( undefined, 'COMMENT', `Something went wrong while validating new entries! @${workingRepo.owner} should handle it shortly.` ); } } ); }; export = appFn;